LINA volunteers help out in many different ways. Some people lead committees, others serve on them. Some people volunteer on one-time projects, while others like to make on-going commitments. Our goal is to complete projects successfully without overburdening or burning people out. Volunteering should be fun, productive, and build bonds between neighbors.
Some of our events and projects are listed below. We are always interested in people who can contribute their time and skills. We always need people with communication, design, administrative, business, and digital development skills. If you’d like to help out or just want more information, please contact us.
The Little Italy Neighborhood Association (LINA) works with residents, business, and local government to keep Little Italy a clean and vibrant community for all to enjoy.
In partnership with government agencies and elected officials, LINA advocates for a safe and clean community by hosting Police Community Walks, promoting lighted streets and parks, supporting security camera initiatives, and monitoring crime.
Thanks to the contributions of time and money from more than fifty people and Little Italy businesses, the “Little Italy” and “Star” signs are once again shining brightly above our community.
The Little Italy community was joined by friends from all over for the 2021 Tree Lighting and Holiday Festival. Click “Learn More” to pictures see from photographer Michael Caballes.
Our progressive Italian dinners are a great way to see old friends and meet new ones. People come from near and far to visit some of the many great restaurants in our community. Of course, we had to pause our dinners during the pandemic, but we are looking forward to starting them again soon.
In November 2021, the Little Italy Neighborhood Association joined with other neighborhood groups to stand against a Suboxone clinic proposed for the neighborhood. We stand with our neighborhood organizations that already provide support services for those suffering from addictions. However, this proposed facility was not an appropriate fit.
If you are suffering from addiction, please seek help. Contact Maryland’s 211 for more information.
Little Italy, Baltimore is a walkable neighborhood. The safety of our residents and visitors is paramount, that’s why we worked with the city to install a first of its kind pedestrian activated crossing light at Eastern and Exeter streets. Make sure to press the button on the poles on your right to activate the lights — and still be careful crossing.
Well-placed and maintained trees add beauty and shade to our community. We are working with the Baltimore City Forestry Division to care for our trees and replace them when needed.
City living appeals to so many people because it can be very convenient. Sometimes, the neighborhood needs sprucing up. LINA sponsors cleanup days when volunteers walk around, pick up trash, and do general cleanup. Additionally, working with Baltimore City, LINA schedules a trash Dumpster Day so residents can dispose of large items.
If you have a questions, would like to get involved, and/or would like to receive our occasional emails, please click the button and sign-up. Include the words “Little Italy” in the subject line so we know it isn’t spam. Grazi!