The Little Italy Neighborhood Association (LINA) works with residents, business, and local government to keep Little Italy a clean and vibrant community for all to enjoy. In partnership with government agencies and elected officials, LINA advocates for a safe and clean community by hosting Police Community Walks, promoting lighted streets and parks, supporting security camera initiatives, and monitoring crime.
LINA encourages Little Italy businesses and residents to report community issues to the appropriate agencies (see brochure below).
After making a report or call, please:
Inform LINA by emailing our Director of Community Safety Lisa Regnante
Include date, time, and description of issues
For 311 reports, include case numbers
Your name and contact information
This information will help LINA keep abreast of community issues and advocate for resolution.
Interested in keeping our neighborhood safe and beautiful? We welcome volunteers to join our safety efforts. Contact LINAto find out more information.
Helping People Experiencing Homelessness
To seek help for individuals or families experiencing homelessness, send an email to the addresses below. Include any details that will help identify those in need, such as location, description, names, observations, and interactions. For more information, go to The Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (MOHS) website.
Hint: Copy the emails addresses at the end of this sentence and paste them in the “To:” line of a new email:,,,,,,
Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services:
Waterfront Partnership: Matt Kujava, Director of Operations -; 412-855-4904
Downtown Partnership Homeless Outreach: Sofia Darsin -
Councilman Cohen’s office: Maggie Master, Chief of Staff -
Baltimore City Police: Sgt. Bryant Austin -
LINA Director of Community Safety: Lisa Regnante -
Many different services are available to you, make sure to make the right call for the assistance you want.
To assist those experiencing homelessness, The Baltimore City Street Outreach can help. Click the picture on the right for more information.