Baltimore City encourages developers, organizations, and individuals who want to request a conditional use, zoning change, or start a new business to obtain a letter of support from neighborhood organizations. It’s also the neighborly thing to do!
Those seeking permits to close streets for fairs, festivals, and construction are also encouraged to contact neighborhood associations prior to applying for a permit to ensure affected residents and businesses are notified and accommodated.
Prior to issuing a letter of support, the Little Italy Neighborhood Association (LINA) asks organizers and developers to make a presentation at a regularly scheduled meeting, so that members can vote if the Board should write a support letter. Meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday of each month.
We support festivals, fairs, and quality development that encourages neighborhood engagement and builds on our strong foundation of community growth for the next thirty to fifty years.
Please contact the Board well in advance of a meeting to ensure your place in our meeting agenda.